The problem was reported on the list before (1/18/2012), the solution 
seemed to be to add to bashrc the line for 64 bit:

export MKL_TARGET_ARCH=intel64

On 4/25/2012 10:35 PM, Jameson Maibam wrote:
> Dear WIEN2k users and developers, I have a problem in installation of 
> WIEN2k 11 using intel composer xe 2011. I have downloaded the intel 
> fortran composer xe 2011 from the trial using site. It was succesfully 
> installed in my ubuntu 11.10 64 bit. My computer is having intel 
> centrino duo. I have followed the instructions given in the user guide 
> provided by intel. I have also added in my bashrc the following line
> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/bin/
> /source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64/
> I got the following message before doing the siteconfiguration.
> "You seem to have installed the ifort compiler at 
> opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/bin/intel64/ifort
> Please remember VERSION and PAT for later reference
> Ypur MKLROOT variable is: /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.9.293/mkl
> *I do not find the MKL_TARGET_ARCH variable (needed only for ifort v12)"
> Please help.*
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