Dear Peter and Wien2k users,

During the running of initso_lapw, I notice the following if I hit "N" (or 
choose "no" for all types after hitting "c") in response to

---->Add RLO for NONE, ALL, CHOOSE elements? (N/a/c) : N
cat: .ieds: No such file or directory

Dr. Gavin Abo pointed out ---
This comes from line 154 in the script make_inso_lapw in the $WIENROOT 
There is code to create the file on line 143 with an echo command.  However, 
the goto statement on line 71 always jumps over the code that seems to create 

My question is:  When NO_RLO is in effect, do we still need the file ".ieds"?
Can I simply comment out the line 154 --

cat .ieds >> $file.inso




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