This concerns the make_inso_lapw script in Wien2k 12.1.  The same script 
file is different in 11.1.

On 2/21/2013 12:40 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:
> Dear Peter and Wien2k users,
> During the running of initso_lapw, I notice the following if I hit "N" 
> (or choose "no" for all types after hitting "c") in response to
> ---->Add RLO for NONE, ALL, CHOOSE elements? (N/a/c) : N
> cat: .ieds: No such file or directory
> Dr. Gavin Abo pointed out ---
> This comes from line 154 in the script make_inso_lapw in the $WIENROOT 
> directory.
> There is code to create the file on line 143 with an echo command.  
> However, the goto statement on line 71 always jumps over the code that 
> seems to create it.
> My question is:  When NO_RLO is in effect, do we still need the file 
> ".ieds"?
> Can I simply comment out the line 154 --
> cat .ieds >> $file.inso
> ?
> Thanks,
> Jianxin
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