I think the "/" in front of "/CoFeMnSn.vectordn" suggests that SCRATCH might have been set to the root directory were user permission problems can occur instead of the current directory "./" [http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/pipermail/wien/2012-May/017013.html].

On 10/9/2013 8:56 AM, Vivek Jain wrote:
Dear all,
I am running wien2k version on Ubuntu 12.04 system.
i am Calculating SCF for  CoFeMnSn heusler alloys using PBE-GGA
96 approximation, Rmt*Kmax = 7.0

after 3 cycle completely successful run then following error occurs in 
dnlapw1.error file
Error in LAPW1
 'INILPW' - can't open unit: 10
 'INILPW' -        filename: /CoFeMnSn.vectordn
 'INILPW' -          status: unknown      form: unformatted
 'LAPW1' - INILPW aborted unsuccessfully.

This type (*.vectordn) of file present in folder but i am not able to open *.vectordn. this error also occur when we copy the struct file in other session and different folder and SCF calculation run. sometimes SCF successfully run and when we do Volume optimization then same problem occurs.

Vivek Kumar Jain
Department of Physics
MohanLal Sukhadia University,

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