Dear Tran and F. Gerhard
Many thanks for your help. With me the Cohesive Energies for NI and Fe are
5.53 eV/atom and 5.92eV/atom

On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 3:36 PM, <> wrote:

> From the total energies it's difficult to say. It's better to
> compare the cohesive energies. My cohesive energies for Fe and Ni
> with the WC functional are 5.54 and 5.38 eV/atom, respectively, with
> an error bar of 0.05 eV/atom maximum. In this paper you can find
> PBE cohesive energies calculated with the VASP code (my PBE values
> agree very well with them):
> You have to know which error is acceptable for your purposes.
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2015, Muhammad Sajjad wrote:
>  Dear Tran Thank you for your further help. I am also attaching here with
>> the structure file. Please let know the E0 values you calculated for Ni and
>> Fe. With me
>> these values are -3040.43215615 and -2544.39535597 (in Ry) respectively.
>> On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 4:52 AM, <> wrote:
>>       Hi,
>>       The struct file that I used is attached. For my purpose, the size of
>>       the unit cell was large enough to avoid spurious interactions
>> between
>>       neighbouring cells. Note that a, b and c are different in order to
>> avoid
>>       to high symmetry.
>>       F. Tran
>>       On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Muhammad Sajjad wrote:
>>             Dear Prof. Marks and F. TranThank you so much for your
>> helpful suggestions. I was already doing the spin polarization
>> calculations. I
>>             have got the convergence
>>             by using
>>             mixing factor 0.1, starting calculation with PRATT and then
>> switched to MSR1 after 7 cycles, and the command runsp_lapw -cc 0.00001
>>             -in1ef -i 150
>>             The obtained magnetic moment was 2.00009.
>>             Dear Tran I would really appreciate if you share some more
>> details about case.struct file. It will definitely be helpful for me as well
>>             as for others.
>>             Kind Regards
>>             Dr. Sajjad
>>             On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:50 AM, <>
>> wrote:
>>                   The calculation for an isolated atom with a code which
>> uses periodic
>>                   boundary conditions (like WIEN2k) is not trivial. This
>> is what I have done
>>                   recently for most atoms of the periodic table
>> (excluding f-systems), and
>>                   for some of the transition-metal atoms this was
>> extremely difficult to
>>                   achieve convergence.
>>                   A few hints (that I used):
>>                   1) It is important (and necessary depending on the
>> atom) to reduce the
>>                   symmetry from cubic to, e.g., orthorhombic to be able
>> to access the
>>                   electronic configuration with the lowest energy (this
>> is the procedure
>>                   followed by several research groups like VASP for
>> instance).
>>                   If necessary I can give more details about the
>> case.struct that I used.
>>                   2) lapw0 requires a lot of memory, while lapw1 requires
>> both
>>                   memory and time. To reduce computer time for lapw1, I
>> was using
>>                   iterative digonalization (this was my command for all
>> atoms):
>>                   runsp_lapw -ec 0.0001 -cc 0.0001 -it -i 1000 -NI
>>                   3) For the Ni atom the magnetic moment should be 2:
>>                   :MMTOT:  SPIN MAGNETIC MOMENT IN CELL     =    2.00238
>>                   4) I was using the default setting for mixer.
>>                   F. Tran
>>                   On Sun, 28 Dec 2014, Laurence Marks wrote:
>>                         Also, only 1 k-point (Gamma), an RMT and RKMax
>> similar to what you use for
>>                         bulk Ni, particularly as I assume you are doing
>> the calculation to get an
>>                         enthalpy of formation. You may have to use the
>> mpi versions as it is
>>                         probably too large for a non-mpi run.
>>                         If you are doing WC+U (or -ineece) the U (or
>> on-site hybrid) removes the
>>                         phase transition so convergence should be simple.
>>                         Straight WC is not a simple calculation because
>> the physics for an isolated
>>                         Ni atom is wrong. With wrong physics there is in
>> fact no guarantee that the
>>                         calculation will ever converge!
>>                         ___________________________
>>                         Professor Laurence Marks
>>                         Department of Materials Science and Engineering
>>                         Northwestern University
>>                         Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
>>                         "Research is to see what everybody else has seen,
>> and to think what nobody
>>                         else has thought"
>>                         Albert Szent-Gyorgi
>>                         On Dec 28, 2014 11:47 AM, "Laurence Marks" <
>>> wrote:
>>                               You almost certainly need to run spin
>> polarized, probably MSR1
>>                               (GREED 0.1), TEMPS (room temp). The
>> convergence is complicated
>>                               for WC (& simple GGAs) due to an electronic
>> phase transition
>>                               between sp & d occupation near the fixed
>> point.
>>                               ___________________________
>>                               Professor Laurence Marks
>>                               Department of Materials Science and
>> Engineering
>>                               Northwestern University
>>                               Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
>>                               "Research is to see what everybody else has
>> seen, and to think
>>                               what nobody else has thought"
>>                               Albert Szent-Gyorgi
>>                               On Dec 28, 2014 10:47 AM, "Muhammad Sajjad"
>> <>
>>                               wrote:
>>                                     Dear Users I am running SCF
>> calculation for Ni with
>>                                     lattice constant of 30 Bohr and using
>> WC-GGA. The
>>                                     calculation is not converging even
>> upto 100
>>                                     iterations and more. To solve the
>> problem I have
>>                                     performed following steps
>>                         switched to TEMPS = 0.005 from TETRA
>>                         Changed MSR1 to PRATT
>>                         changed mixing factor (increase and decrease from
>> 0.2)
>>                         Thanking in advance.
>>                         Dr. Sajjad
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