Thank you very much, Peter, for pointing the way!

case.normsoup/dn is exactly what we need. I just looked up the norms for the valence band edge of GaAs (x4 degenerate states at Gamma). Here they are from case.normsoup

0.907085541766E+00 0.433544748129E+00 0.499707182587E+00 0.159662527518E+00

and case.normsodn

0.929144582341E-01 0.566455251871E+00 0.500292817413E+00 0.840337472482E+00

Pairs add up to 1 as expected for a norm. Each spin channel adds up to 2 indicating no dominant up/dn component (something I would expect for GaAs). But individual norms can be very different from 0.5, which needs an action.

Eventually one could simply add the spectral weights, but probably one should weight them by the spin-up/dn norms in the case.normsoup/dn files. In that way one would get a proper representation (and eg. a small spectral weight in spin-dn does not matter if also its norm is small, i.e. if this eigenvalue is mainly spin-up.

This can certainly be done, but it would be convenient if fold2Bloch can do it "under the hood". Files case.vectorsoup, case.vectorsodn, case.normsoup can be read simultaneously producing a single output file.

Best regards
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