I would suggest referring to previous advice given in the mailings list.

For example, there are different ways in which core leakage might need to be addressed:


You might try swapping the RMT of O and P atoms:


Li 1.56
Ni 2.05
P 1.36
O 1.52
F 1.88

Since your RMT of Li, Ni, P, O, and F are of various sizes and some are on the side of being small, you probably have one of those calculations that more difficult to setup and converge:


This might be common problem [ http://susi.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/reg_user/faq/qtlb.html ] when working with structures having P with a small RMT:


If I read correctly, -9.2 instead -6.0 as the separation energy in lstart and removal of a second l=0 line in case.in1 for handling P with a small RMT was used in the thread of posts at:


On 7/12/2020 11:24 AM, shamik chakrabarti wrote:
Dear Prof. Gavin,

                         I am sorry for the previous reply. Yes, after,  grep WARNING *.outputs the following warnings appeared

WARNING:   0.038 P    CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere !!!!
:WARNING:     0.038  P    CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere !!!!
:WARNING: touch .lcore and run scf-cycle with core density superposition
:WARNING: Or: rerun lstart with lower E-core separation energy
:WARNING:     ORBITAL:  2P*    -9.172    -9.141
:WARNING:     ORBITAL:  2P     -9.104    -9.074
WARNING:   0.038 P    CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere !!!!

Should I go for touch .lcore now...

with regards,

On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 21:48, shamik chakrabarti <shamik15041...@gmail.com <mailto:shamik15041...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I am using w2web. After following your suggestion, I got the
    following message in w2web page.

     Commandline: : grep WARNING *.outputst
    Program input is: ""

    Execute another command line:

    Type of execution:

    Also, in case.outputst there is no warning message displayed.

    with regards,

    On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 21:30, Gavin Abo <gs...@crimson.ua.edu
    <mailto:gs...@crimson.ua.edu>> wrote:

        It might only show that in a terminal.  Are you using w2web,
        are the warnings in the Li2NiPO4F_check.outputst file?

        1. In w2web, click on "command line" under Execution in the
        left menu.

        2. In the "Execute a command line" box, type: grep WARNING

        3. Click the Run button

        Does it show any "CORE electron leak out of MT-sphere"
        warnings then?

        Try referring to screenshots in temporary file

        On 7/12/2020 9:07 AM, shamik chakrabarti wrote:
        Dear Prof. Gavin,

                              I am using  wien 2k 19.1 & surprisingly
        I am not getting any error regarding core-leakage. (I have
        kept initial reduction of RMT to 0%) The output is as given
        Commandline: x lstart -up
        Program input is: "13 -6.0 "

          SELECT XCPOT:
          recommended: PBE    [(13) GGA of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof 96]
                       LDA    [( 5)]
                       WC     [(11)  GGA of Wu-Cohen 2006]
                       PBESOL [(19) GGA of Perdew etal. 2008]
          SELECT ENERGY to separate core and valence states:
          recommended: -6.0 Ry (check how much core charge leaks out
        of MT-sphere)
          ALTERNATIVELY: specify charge localization (between 0.97
        and 1.0) to select core state
        1.4u 0.0s 0:01.45 100.0% 0+0k 0+11872io 0pf+0w

        & during 1st iteration, it is showing the ghost band error

        with regards,

        On Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 19:49, Gavin Abo <gs...@crimson.ua.edu
        <mailto:gs...@crimson.ua.edu>> wrote:

            Probably you need to mention how you handled the core
            leakage issue during initialization (init_lapw) of WIEN2k
            19.2 since if that was not addressed it might lead to the
            QTL error later during the scf:

            username@computername:~/wiendata/Li2NiPO4F_check$ ls
            init_lapw -s lstart
             next is lstart
             next is lstart
             CREATE A NEW Li2NiPO4F_check.inst FILE with PROPER ATOMS
             If necessary specify switches for instgen_lapw (or press
             -up (default)   -dn   -nm (non-magnetic) -ask
             15 Atoms found:  with labels Li   Li   Li Ni   Ni   P   
            P    O    O    O    O    O O    F    F
            generate atomic configuration for atom 1 : Li
            generate atomic configuration for atom 2 : Li
            generate atomic configuration for atom 3 : Li
            generate atomic configuration for atom 4 : Ni
            generate atomic configuration for atom 5 : Ni
            generate atomic configuration for atom 6 : P
            generate atomic configuration for atom 7 : P
            generate atomic configuration for atom 8 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 9 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 10 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 11 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 12 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 13 : O
            generate atomic configuration for atom 14 : F
            generate atomic configuration for atom 15 : F
            >   lstart    (08:05:05)   SELECT XCPOT:
              recommended: PBE    [(13) GGA of Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof 96]
                           LDA    [( 5)]
                           WC     [(11)  GGA of Wu-Cohen 2006]
                           PBESOL [(19) GGA of Perdew etal. 2008]
              SELECT ENERGY to separate core and valence states:
              recommended: -6.0 Ry (check how much core charge leaks
            out of MT-sphere)
              ALTERNATIVELY: specify charge localization (between
            0.97 and 1.0) to select core state
            STOP LSTART ENDS
            3.9u 0.0s 0:10.78 37.1% 0+0k 0+11808io 0pf+0w
            WARNING:   0.038 P CORE electrons leak out of MT-sphere !!!!
            :WARNING:     0.038  P    CORE electrons leak out of
            MT-sphere !!!!
            :WARNING: touch .lcore and run scf-cycle with core
            density superposition
            :WARNING: Or: rerun lstart with lower E-core separation
            :WARNING:     ORBITAL:  2P*    -9.194 -9.194
            :WARNING:     ORBITAL:  2P     -9.126 -9.126
            WARNING:   0.038 P    CORE electrons leak out of
            MT-sphere !!!!
                   check Li2NiPO4F_check.outputst how much core
            charge leaks out
                   if you continue, file .lcore will be created and
            the scf-cycle
                   will be run with core-density superposition
                   alternatively you can rerun lstart with a smaller
            -----> continue with kgen or edit the
            Li2NiPO4F_check.inst file and rerun lstart (c/e)

            On 7/12/2020 7:38 AM, shamik chakrabarti wrote:
            Dear Wien2k users,

                                       I am trying to run a
            calculation of 72 atomic unit cell & it shows Ghost band
            error at the first iteration.

            In SCF2 file the following line indicates the error;

            :WARN : QTL-B value eq.9283.65 in Band of energy
             -3.30070  ATOM=    7  L=  0

            :WARN : You should change the E-parameter for this atom
            and L-value in case.in1 (or try the -in1new switch)

            I am attaching the struct file herewith this mail.

            Looking forward to hearing from you.

            with regards,
-- Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
            Research Fellow
            Department of Physics
            Indian Institute of Technology Patna
            Bihar, India
            Wien mailing list
            SEARCH the MAILING-LIST at:

-- Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
        Research Fellow
        Department of Physics
        Indian Institute of Technology Patna
        Bihar, India
        Wien mailing list
        SEARCH the MAILING-LIST at:

-- Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
    Research Fellow
    Department of Physics
    Indian Institute of Technology Patna
    Bihar, India

Dr. Shamik Chakrabarti
Research Fellow
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Bihar, India
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