Did you activate both lines (min... and run_lapw ...) ???
Why would one do this ?

Did the calculation for +10 crash in the first/second cycle, or much later ?

Presumable you still have the +10 struct file set as current struct file. Create a new start density using dstart and run again this case.
x dstart
run_lapw -I -fc 10.0 -p
run_lapw -NI -fc 1 -p -min # usually run_lapw -min is preferred over min

Then save it yourself with the proper filename.

Am 24.03.2021 um 13:12 schrieb Anupriya Nyayban:
Dear experts and users,

In addition to the above information, I want to mention that commands used in optimize.job script are "min -I -j "run_lapw -I -fc 1.0 -i 40 -p"" and "run_lapw -p -ec 0.0001". The RKmax and kmesh are set to 7.0 and 150 respectively.  The energy versus volume graph (fitted to Murnaghan equation of state) looks very different from the usual. I am not getting any idea why lapw2 crashes (error in paralle lapw2 is shown in lapw2.error) for +10% of change in volume. I need your valuable suggestions to proceed with the calculation.

On Fri, 19 Mar 2021 at 00:39, Anupriya Nyayban <mamani...@gmail.com <mailto:mamani...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear experts and users,

    I was calculating the volume optimization in parallel (with 8 cores)
    of an orthorhombic 2*2*1 supercell having 80 atoms (in the
    supercell) in a HPC (Processor: dual socket 18 core per socket intel
    skylake processor, RAM: 96 GB ECC DDR4 2133 MHz RAM in balanced
    configuration, Operating system: CentOS-7.3, using compiler/intel
    2018.5.274). The changes in volume were set to -10, -5, 0, 5, 10 (in
    %). I could find error only in lapw2.erro which states "error in
    parallel lapw2". The scf calculations have been completed for the
    volume changes of -10, -5, 0, 5%.

    Looking forward for your suggestion.
    If you need any additional information please let me know.

    Thank you in advance.

-- With regards
    Anupriya Nyayban
    Ph.D. Scholar
    Department of Physics
    NIT Silchar

With regards
Anupriya Nyayban
Ph.D. Scholar
Department of Physics
NIT Silchar

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