Luca de Alfaro wrote:
> This looks very interesting!
> Is this a thesaurus that can be used for translation of words across
> languages?

Yes, in the sense that it (potentially) contains labels in different languages
for the same concept.

> Is there some way to quickly have a demo or view the data?

Sadly, no. I started to implement a web based query interface, but there was no
time to finish it while working on the thesis. Maybe I'll get it up one day.

On the other hand: if you find a decent viewer/explorer for SKOS (I didn't), you
should be able to explore the contents without problems. It's a standard RDF

> I browsed some files, and I see entries of the kind:
> :xf5bfa ww:displayLabel "de:Feliner_Diabetes_mellitus" .
> :xf5bfa ww:type wwct:OTHER .
> :xf5bfa rdf:type skos:Concept .
> :xf5bfa skos:inScheme
> <*/animals:thesaurus
> which tells me that Diabetes Mellitus of a feline is a concept... I was
> interested in the animal thesaurus as a way to translate animal names
> across languages... there are a lot of files, and I don't know if I am
> looking at the right ones.  Perhaps if you pointed us to the most
> interesting / understandable datasets, it would be very useful.

the animals:thesaurus dataset, as found in
<*.n3.bz2>, *should* contain
what you are looking for, namely different names for the same animal in
different languages. However, due to the way the sample was taken, the overlap
of pages analyzed from the different wikis is not as good as it should, and the
english wikipedia is missing entierly from this dataset. This is due to the fact
that the categories deadling with domesticated animals appear to be structured
in very different way in the different wikipedias. This is why it's a bit hard
to find a working example of a trans-language concept in that dataset. One
example would be x4c4b45, the entry fro domestic cattly, providing information
for German and French (english is, as i said, missing from that dataset).

A better example for seeing this WORK is probably colors:thesaurus as found in
<> (or, if you want
plain SKOS, <>).
Here's an excerpt for the color green (xa7d8c5):

:xa7d8c5 ww:displayLabel
"de:Grün|en:Green|fr:Vert|nl:Groen_(kleur)|no:Grønn|simple:Green" .
:xa7d8c5 ww:type wwct:OTHER .
:xa7d8c5 rdf:type skos:Concept .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Grün ist jener Farbreiz der wahrgenommenen wird, wenn
Licht mit einer spektralen Verteilung ins Auge fällt bei dem das Maximum im
Wellenlängenintervall zwischen 520 und 565 nm liegt."@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Blassgrün"@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Dunkelgrün"@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Grün"@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Grüne"@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Grünliche"@de .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Green is a color, the perception of which is evoked by
light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly
520–570 nm."@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Avacado"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Avocado"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Dark green"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Dark pastel green"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Dark spring green"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "GREEN"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Green"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Green (HTML/CSS green)"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Greenness"@en .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Le vert est une couleur complémentaire correspondant à
la lumière qui a une longueur d'onde comprise entre 490 et 570 nm."@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Couleur vert"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Vert"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Verte"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Viridis"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "green"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "vert"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "verte"@fr .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Groen is een secundaire kleur bij de subtractieve
kleurmenging."@nl .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Groen"@nl .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "groen"@nl .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "groenachtige"@nl .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "groenblauw"@nl .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Grønn er en farge som inngår i fargespekteret."@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Grønn"@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "green"@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "grønn"@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "grønne"@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "grønt"@no .
:xa7d8c5 skos:definition "Green is one of the colors of the rainbow."@simple .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "Green"@simple .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "green"@simple .
:xa7d8c5 skos:altLabel "greenish"@simple .

I hope this gives an impression of the labels and glosses available in different
languages. In addition to this, there are the relations "broader"/"narrower",
"similar" and "related" for navigating the structure, as well as cross-links to
the respective wikipedia-pages, etc.

x89548b (First-order logic) from the dataset logic:thesaurus may also be a good


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