Desilets, Alain wrote:
> I was able to convert the PDF file to .txt. Not very readable, but should be 
> good enough to allow me to gist the content through Google translate.
> But in order to do that, it would be useful if I posted the .txt file 
> somewhere on the web.
> Do you mind if I do that? 
> Alain

Go right ahead, it's GFDL :) Post the link for the benefit of others too.
Hm... I guess we should be careful about one point: please make sure this is
clearly credited to me. I only handed it in yesterday. Someone is going to check
if i stole the text from somehwere. So when it does show up, it better has my
name on it :)

Anyway, I'll try to provide a readable HTML version soon, and an english
translation of  some selected chapters.

-- Daniel

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