On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:42 AM, Daniel Kinzler <dan...@brightbyte.de> wrote:
>>> 1) The first three author names separated by slashes
>> why not separate by pluses? they don't form part of names either, and
>> don't cause problems with wiki page titles.
> I like this... however, how would you represent this in a URL?
%2B would seem to be the obvious choice to me.

> Also note that
> using plusses in page names don't work with all server configurations, since
> plus has a special meaning in URLs.

Don't know too much about the double escaping business to comment on that, but
if pluses are not acceptable, we still have equal signs (possibly with
similar problems, but
still useful for direct web search) and underscores (which would turn
the whole key into one
string for search engines).


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