On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Chitu Okoli <chitu.ok...@concordia.ca> wrote:
> ...

> * A-ranked conferences in Information and Computing Sciences from
> http://lamp.infosys.deakin.edu.au/era/?page=cforsel10: This is the most
> exhaustive journal ranking exercise I have ever found anywhere.

With regards to John Lamps journal list, it is a copy of the *first*
ERA journal list.


There is a second ERA journal list being compiled for 2012.
Submissions closed yesterday, and review of ranking is now underway.

The journal list can be browsed via the website.


However there is no publicly download-able dataset available yet.

If anyone wants a copy of the second ERA journal list in xml or csv, I
can provide it offlist.

Public consultation about the ranking is open until April 4.

> Unfortunately, I like you have serious questions about the face validity of
> these rankings; I think they heavily overrate many conferences in my own
> field of information systems; I assume the same is true with other fields
> that I don't know so well. (My primary reservation with conference or
> journal rankings by professors is that I strongly suspect that one of the
> main criteria for their rankings is whether or not they have published in
> that outlet before.) Unfortunately, I don't know of anything that approaches
> this ranking in comprehensiveness.

One important point to note in regards to conferences in that journal
list is that conferences are only ranked for the disciplines of

* 08 Information and computer science

* 09 Engineering

* 12 Built environment and design

IMO the ranked conference list was useless in the 2010 ERA process and results.
I've yet to see any improvement in this area for the 2012 ERA.

John Vandenberg

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