Ed -- Nice.  To be clear, I would still appreciate a multi-column
look, because for me that is a much clearer visualization of the
site's activity than looking at any single edit-size-range.  It's like
a sparkline: you can get both a sense of flow and a feel for the
texture in the dimension of significance.

In fact, for the larger edits it might make sense to include 40 chars
of text from the update on a second line.

Reverts could show up as a thin red line between two edits, extending
to the side with the word "rv", with the article title available on


On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Ed Summers <e...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Hi SJ,
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 1:46 AM, Samuel Klein <meta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Without changing the concept or algorithm much, I'd like to see a
>> three column version, with the left-most column being for all edits --
>> with speed smoothed out over time (time delay 30 seconds, average it
>> out); the middle one being edits changing over 100 chars that aren't
>> immediately reverted (time-delayed 1 min?), and the left column being
>> edits changing over 1,000 chars that aren't quickly reverted
>> (time-delayed 2 minutes?), and aren't by bots or huggle.
> I am trying out a slider that allows you to set an "edit size" limit,
> which should achieve roughly the same thing without the need for
> additional columns. I haven't done any checking for pages that are
> immediately reverted though (yet).
> When I have time next I want to highlight the bots differently, maybe
> with a small robot icon (let me know if you know of one), and allow
> them to be filtered. Also I want to add language filtering since
> several people have asked for that. I'm not quite sure how to do the
> right-to-left for (ar,fa, ur, and he) since this basically right
> justifies things, and it's mixed in with other direction text. Ideas
> welcome on that front.
> //Ed
> PS. I'm having some issues keeping the service running. At the moment
> I'm not sure if its a bug in my code or something lower level in
> socket.io, express or node just yet...
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