Thanks for your suggestions. Just some quick pointers below.

h, 18/05/2014 08:26:
(I-A). Tabulate the data points in absolute numbers first, not
percentage numbers [...]
(I-B). Include all language versions for the *editing traffic* report as
well. [...]
(I-C). Provide static data objects in more accessible format (i.e. csv
and/or json). [...]
(II-A).  Putting viewing traffic and editing traffic report on the same
page. [...]
(II-B).  Organizing and archiving the traffic reports for historical
comparison. [...]
(I-C). Provide dynamic data objects in more accessible format (i.e. csv
and/or json).

At least the first four are "just" changes in the WikiStats reports formatting, personally I encourage you to submit patches: <> (should be the "squids" directory, but there is some ongoing refactoring of the repos).

On archives and "history rewriting"/reports regeneration, see also

[...] (III-B).  Smaller (i.e more specific) geographic aggregate units.
The country (geographic) information is often based on geo-IP databases,
and sometimes provincial and city-level data would be available.


( I know that the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR Version 25
charts, but I believe that the Wikimedia projects can use and build one
better..)  [...]

No, we definitely can't, not alone. I've asked for help, please contribute: <>.


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