Greetings list,

I do something similar for the [[WP:STiki]] anti-vandalism service. I listen on IRC to determine new edits (en only) and then hit the API with "action=query" on a non-batch basis. My application is multi-threaded in order to keep up.

I asked along these lines in 2009 when it was initially authored. I was told it wouldn't be a problem, but one should set their user agent so that it provides a contact email and alludes to the benign impetus of all these requests. -AW

Andrew G. West, PhD
Research Scientist

On 12/12/2014 06:54 PM, Toby Negrin wrote:
Hi Max -- let me ping the API folks. I don't think we researchers can
make the final call on this.


On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Maximilian Klein <
<>> wrote:

    Hello Researchers,

    I've been playing with Recent Changes Stream Interface
    <> recently, and have
    started trying to use the API's "/action=compare/" to look at every
    diff of every wiki in real time. The goal is to produce real-time
    analytics on the content that's being added or deleted. The only
    problem is that is will really hammer the API with lots of reads
    since it doesn't have a batch interface. Can I spawn multiple
    network threads and do 10+ reads per second forever without the API
    complaining? Can I warn someone about this and get a special
    exemption for research purposes?

    The other thing to do would be to use "/action=query/" to get the
    revisions in batches and do the diffing myself, but then i'm not
    guaranteed to be diffing in the same way that the site is.

    What techniques would you recommend?

    Make a great day,
    Max Klein ‽

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