Thanks, Zach, for the explanation of these things. I realise the goals of 
WikiEd was not to be a research project but achieve other goals in relation to 
Wikipedia, in which it seems to be very successful from your data.


I suspect part of my confusion relates to the terms “instructor”, “faculty”, 
and “program staff” (noting that terminology in North American universities is 
very different to Australian universities). Can you unpick these for me? Are 
the “instructors” academic staff of a university or college, or, as I 
interpreted it, people who would probably identify as Wikipedians who are 
volunteering to work on the WikiEd program in their local area? I assume 
“faculty” here means “academic staff member” (in my world, “faculty” is an 
organisational unit composed of academic staff and non-academic staff). Who are 
the “program staff”?







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