Hi Kerry,

This research project was really conducted to examine a couple different
things at once. This project was designed to provide data for researchers
trying to understand learning with Wikipedia. Wiki Ed's dashboard was
perfect for this because students participation was already were being
tracked, so layering research on top of that data (and access to emailing
them, cohorts of classes, etcetera) made it an ideal setting for
educational research.

As mentioned in the research report, the questions were designed by
multiple researchers from a variety of backgrounds, so there isn't really
"one" research question, but many approaches to trying to understand what
students are learning, including motivations, perceived value, and skills
transfer, among other things.

I think the confusion here might be coming from the fact Wiki Education
works a little differently than WMF's Education Program - there is a lot of
information on how they operate at their website here - https://wikiedu.org/

Wiki Education as an organization isn't a research organization, it is an
educational organization with the dual mission of education and improving
Wikipedia. They funded the research project but I conducted it through
UMass Amherst.

As for terminology, "instructor" is anyone who is an instructor for the
class (sometimes TT faculty,  sometimes adjunct, sometimes grad student,
sometimes librarian). There are usually no additional Wikipedians in the
classroom, unless the instructor has a specific contact that they invited
in, unbenownst to me.

"Program staff" are folks that work for Wiki Education and support the

In general, Wiki Ed has a "dashboard" and some support staff, but the
students are not "taught" by a Wikipedian.

I hope this helps!


On Tue, Jun 20, 2017, 5:48 PM Kerry Raymond <kerry.raym...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, Zach, for the explanation of these things. I realise the goals of
> WikiEd was not to be a research project but achieve other goals in relation
> to Wikipedia, in which it seems to be very successful from your data.
> I suspect part of my confusion relates to the terms “instructor”,
> “faculty”, and “program staff” (noting that terminology in North American
> universities is very different to Australian universities). Can you unpick
> these for me? Are the “instructors” academic staff of a university or
> college, or, as I interpreted it, people who would probably identify as
> Wikipedians who are volunteering to work on the WikiEd program in their
> local area? I assume “faculty” here means “academic staff member” (in my
> world, “faculty” is an organisational unit composed of academic staff and
> non-academic staff). Who are the “program staff”?
> Thanks
> Kerry
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