Hi Leila,

I've been working on taxonomy learning from Wikipedia categories in my past research. Here's a recap of the approach I proposed to address the pruning problem you faced. It's a pipeline with a bottom-up direction, i.e., from the leaves up to the root.

Stage 1: leaf nodes
INPUT = category + category links SQL dumps, like you do
1.1. extract the full set of article pages;
1.2. extract categories that are linked to article pages only, by looking at the outgoing links for each article;
1.3. identify the set of categories with no sub-categories.

Stage 2: prominent nodes
INPUT = stage 1 output
2.1. traverse the leaf graph, see the algorithm [1];
2.2. NLP to identify categories that hold is-a relations, i.e., *noun phrases* with *plural head*, inspired by the YAGO approach [2, 3]; 2.3. (optional) set a usage weight based on the number of category interlanguage links (more links = more usage across language chapters).

These 2 stages should output the clean dataset you're looking for.
Based on that, you can then build the taxonomy.

Feel free to ping me if you need more information.


[1] Input: L (leaf nodes set) Output: PN (prominent nodes set)
for all l in L do
        isProminent = true;
        P = getTransitiveParents(l);
        for all p in P do
                C = getChildren(p);
                areAllLeaves = true;
                for all c in C do
                        if c not in L then
                                areAllLeaves = false;
                end for
                if areAllLeaves then
                        isProminent = false;
        end for
        if isProminent then
end for
return PN
[2] F. M. Suchanek, G. Kasneci, and G. Weikum. Yago: a
core of semantic knowledge. In Proceedings of the 16th
International Conference on World Wide Web, pages
697–706. ACM, 2007.
[3] J. Hoffart, F. M. Suchanek, K. Berberich, and
G. Weikum. Yago2: a spatially and temporally
enhanced knowledge base from wikipedia. AI,
194:28–61, 2013.

On 7/11/17 03:21, wiki-research-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org wrote:
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 18:20:47 -0700
From: Leila Zia<le...@wikimedia.org>
To: Research into Wikimedia content and communities
Subject: [Wiki-research-l] category extraction question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi all,

[If you are not interested in discussions related to the category system
​ (on English Wikipedia)​
, you can stop here. :)]

We have run into a problem that some of you may have thought about or
addressed before. We are trying to clean up the category system on English
Wikipedia by turning the category structure to an IS-A hierarchy. (The
output of this work can be useful for the research on template
recommendation [1], for example, but the use-cases won't stop there). One
issue that we are facing is the following:

We are currently
  SQL dumps to extract categories associated with every article on English
Wikipedia (main namespace). [2]
​ Using this approach, we get 5 categories associated with Flow cytometry
bioinformatics article [3]:



​The problem is that only the first two categories are the ones we are
interested in. We have one cleaning step through which we only keep
categories that belong to category Article and that step removes the last
category above, but the other two Wikipedia_... remain there. We need to
somehow prune the data and clean it from those two categories.

One way we could do the above would be to parse wikitext instead of the SQL
dumps and focus on extracting categories marked by pattern [[Category:XX]],
but in that case, we would lose a good category such as
​ because that's generated by a template.​

Any ideas on how we can start with a "cleaner" dataset of categories
related to the topic of the articles as opposed to maintenance related or
other types of categories?



[2] The exact code we use is

SELECT p.page_id id, p.page_title title, cl.cl_to category
FROM categorylinks cl
JOIN page p
on cl.cl_from = p.page_id
where cl_type = 'page'
and page_namespace = 0
and page_is_redirect = 0

​and the edges of the category graph are extracted with

*SELECT p.page_title category, cl.cl_to parent *
*FROM categorylinks cl *
*JOIN page p *
*ON p.page_id = cl.cl_from *
*where p.page_namespace = 14*​


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