
           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Severity|enhancement                 |normal
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED
         Resolution|FIXED                       |

--- Comment #3 from  2009-07-06 01:48:54 UTC ---
Also, using
> true;}
I was shocked to find in $links that local language strings have crept
into variable names themselves, at the markers @@1@@, and @@3@@, that I
put in below:
>array(4) {
>  ["namespaces"]=>
>  array(2) {
>    ["分類"]=>  @@1@@
>    array(3) {
>      ["class"]=>
>      string(12) "selected new"
>      ["text"]=>
>      string(6) "分類"  @@2@@
>      ["href"]=>
>      string(66) 
> "/index.php?title=%E5%88%86%E9%A1%9E:489.0750&action=edit&redlink=1"
>    }
>    ["分類_talk"]=>  @@3@@
>    array(3) {
>      ["class"]=>
>      string(3) "new"
>      ["text"]=>
>      string(10) "Discussion" @@4@@
>      ["href"]=>
>      string(84) 
> "/index.php?title=%E5%88%86%E9%A1%9E%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96:489.0750&action=edit&redlink=1"
>    }
>  }
I mean how can anybody write a hook now that even the variable names
themselves could be in a hundred different languages?!

Furthermore, compare @@2@@ and @@4@@, one is English, the other not... I
didn't investigate, but I can tell you one thing, using this shell script,
>for site in localhost; do
>    for lang in en zh-tw; do
>       for skin in monobook vector; do
> URL="http://$site/index.php?title=Category:486.3875&uselang=$lang&useskin=$skin";
>           echo $((++c)). $URL
>           w3m -no-cookie -no-proxy -dump $URL|egrep '• (分類|Category)'
>       done; echo ====
>    done
I produced this output:
>  • Category
>2. http://localhost/index.php?title=Category:486.3875&uselang=en&useskin=vector
>  • 分類
>  • 分類
>  • 分類
What it says is is that you have caused the local word for categories
here to become so embedded that not even a uselang=en could conquer it!

I.e., even though the user changes his Preferences to English, he still
must face the 'categories' tab written in in zh-tw.

However I couldn't reproduce that when $wgLanguageCode = 'en' and
uselang=zh-tw. Only visa-versa.

Nor could I reproduce it with this script:
>for URL1 in \
> \
>    for lang in en zh-tw; do
>       for skin in monobook vector; do
>           URL="$URL1?uselang=$lang&useskin=$skin"
>           echo $((++c)). $URL
>           w3m -no-cookie -dump $URL|egrep '• (分類|Category)'
>       done; echo ====
>    done

Now finally returning to the original topic of this bug. If the two
skins could use the same hook, that would be great I suppose...

OK, each should have its own hook, but users will dare to do
so there should be some statement about how safe that is.

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