--- Comment #230 from Philippe Verdy <> 2011-08-27 11:06:18 
UTC ---
Until recently, it was too slow to initialize a large table like the DUCET. But
now that Javascript starts being used for 2D/3D rendering with interactive
speed, demonstrating complex animations, I don't think this is a performance
issue. The only issue is the code size that must be loaded once (that's why I
spoke about caching the DUCET and loading it by parts, on demand). But note
that the DUCET is not as large as the full Unicode. You can easily exclude the
Hangul syllables, and the sinograms, and can autobuild some parts of it for
blocks of symbols. The core of the implementation is already written for the
DUCET-based collation, I need more work to instantiate tailorings. But I've not
determined the best way to handle on-demand loading of the DUCET. In addition,
if I can finalize it, I will need a way to regenerate with some automatic tool
the representation of the DUCET for each release of Unicode. For now I just use
a static table, created with lots of manual operations: a code generator will
be needed (just like in all existing full implementations of UCA).

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