NavinoEvans added a comment.

It seems to be working for me (in both the real tour and the example), as long as I click 'add qualifier' rather than use the guider arrow to advance to that step.

Maybe it's behaving differently in your browser than mine?

F27912754: attached.png

Either way, I'd say that removing the forward button on the steps that are designed to automatically advance after some other user action, so that the only way to advance is the click the button as instructed, would make for a more reliable experience.

This is exactly how it's working for me too. The suggestion to take out the forward arrow when the user has to complete an action sounds like the simplest solution for now.
If we do keep the forward arrow then it needs to automatically do what the user was supposed to do (e.g. click 'add qualifier', or whatever other action) so that the element the pop up links to is actually visible on the page.



To: NavinoEvans
Cc: Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE, Tarrow, NavinoEvans, Ragesoss, Pasleim, Aklapper, Mrjohncummings, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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