mkroetzsch added a comment.

@Smalyshev @Lydia_Pintscher Dates without years should not be allowed by the 
time datatype. They are impossible to order, almost impossible to query, and 
they do not have any meaning whatsoever in combination with a preferred 
calendar model. All the arguments @Denny has already given elsewhere for why we 
should unify dates to Proleptic Gregorian internally apply here too. My 
suspicion is that the existing dates of this form are simply a glitch in the 
UI, where users got the impression that dates without years are recognized and 
pressing "save" silently set the year to zero without them seeing the change in 
meaning. If this is an important use case, then we should develop a day-of-year 
datatype that supports this, or suggest the community to use dedicated 
properties/qualifiers to encode this. However, other datatype extensions would 
be much more important than this rare case (e.g., units of measurement).

The above proposal of @Smalyshev is simply to use RDF 1.0 for export and to 
assume XSD 1.0 (non-ISO) dates to be used in Wikidata. After all the discussion 
here, I am completely baffled by this proposal. It goes against all current 
standards, and against the view of the SPARQL working group. The additional 
proposal to revert to the "dates are just strings" view for deep values ignores 
the original design and documentation, and dismisses the recommendations that 
Denny and I have been making via email. It seems we have reached an impasse 

**I suggest to freeze the RDF-time encoding discussions now** until we have 
established a joint understanding what dates in Wikidata mean. As soon as we 
export dates to RDF, we are defining their meaning indirectly via the RDF 
semantics, and this bug report is not the right place for doing this.


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To: Smalyshev, mkroetzsch
Cc: Lydia_Pintscher, Denny, Manybubbles, daniel, mkroetzsch, Smalyshev, 
JanZerebecki, Aklapper, jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, GWicke

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