JanZerebecki added a comment.

I agree I'm against any regexp that tries to parse HTML or XML. We should never 
do that.
I dislike the assertTag matchers syntax and prefer CSS. Because more people 
know CSS. (Even more than XPath which I would otherwise prefer). Also it is 
more expressive than assertTag matchers syntax. There was a reason why 
assertTag was removed from PHPUnit, see 
https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/1292 for some of the 
context. We should not replicate those errors. Or if we absolutely must 
replicate assertTag contribute to 
https://github.com/phpunit/phpunit-dom-assertions .
For text content matching regexp is ok.

So e.g. http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/dom_crawler.html used with 
http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/css_selector.html for directly 
asserting something seems like a good idea. Or for more complex things one 
could use one selector to find and another that every result matches something. 
However ensuring that a string is well formed HTML or XML with DomCrawler in 
addition requires enabling the libxml error reporting. Or use PHPunits 
assertEqualXMLStructure() to match the selection of nodes, assertRegExp() for 
the text in text nodes. There is also assertXmlStringEqualsXmlString() and 
friens when you want to compare two documents in string form as is. There is 
probably some additional code needed to make DomCrawler into usable assertions, 
but that should result in something that is more long term proof.

 for an example usage of DomCrawler  (but it misses checking for libxml errors).

If we prefer something that better handles namespaces than DomCrawler, we 
probably need to look at https://github.com/FluentDOM/FluentDOM .



To: JanZerebecki
Cc: JanZerebecki, Ricordisamoa, gerritbot, Aklapper, Wikidata-bugs, Bene, 
Tobi_WMDE_SW, JeroenDeDauw, adrianheine, Lydia_Pintscher, daniel, aude

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