hoo added a comment.

This is not only happening for dumps, terbium is also wrongly using main-dbs (which are still on testing) for long-running queries, which cause long periods of connection issues: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/#dashboard/temp/AVVuJmxb_LTxu7wlh30V

root@terbium:~$ lsof | grep 43894
php5      32192          www-data    8u     IPv4         1620677566       0t0        TCP terbium.eqiad.wmnet:43894->db1092.eqiad.wmnet:mysql (ESTABLISHED)
root@terbium:~$ ps aux | grep 32192
root     16294  0.0  0.0  11864   916 pts/5    S+   14:06   0:00 grep 32192
www-data 32192  6.3  0.1 333200 53700 ?        S    13:57   0:34 php5 /srv/mediawiki-staging/multiversion/MWScript.php extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dispatchChanges.php --wiki wikidatawiki --max-time 540 --batch-size 275 --dispatch-interval 25 --lock-grace-interval 200
root@terbium:~$ lsof | grep 52769
php5       9169          www-data    8u     IPv4         1620971979       0t0        TCP terbium.eqiad.wmnet:52769->db1092.eqiad.wmnet:mysql (ESTABLISHED)
root@terbium:~$ ps aux | grep 9169
www-data  9169  7.5  0.1 330380 50984 ?        S    14:03   0:16 php5 /srv/mediawiki-staging/multiversion/MWScript.php extensions/Wikidata/extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dispatchChanges.php --wiki wikidatawiki --max-time 540 --batch-size 275 --dispatch-interval 25 --lock-grace-interval 200
root     22859  0.0  0.0  11868   916 pts/5    S+   14:06   0:00 grep 9169

These jobs need access to the main DBs as well as to the master (these jobs are used to actively dispatch incoming changes to various Wikipedias). Currently we let these scripts run for about 9 minutes… if needed, we can cut that down (they run on Zend, so the performance penalty of restarts is rather low).



To: hoo
Cc: hoo, ArielGlenn, jcrespo, Zppix, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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