thiemowmde added subscribers: thiemowmde, daniel.
thiemowmde added a project: MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository.
thiemowmde added a comment.

We already discussed this somewhere else. (But where?) On the web you will find a lot of Stackoverflow-type questions and answers. The most relevant are:

  • Some extremely old browsers had an URL limit of 256 characters.
  • Some old versions of Internet Explorer had a limit of 1024 characters. These versions are not relevant any more.
  • Modern browsers basically don't have a limit any more (multiple megabytes, if you want).
  • We still want some limit to block users from overflowing our database with stuff that does not belong there. Typically a "round" binary number like 4096 or 16384 is used.
  • A relevant number is 768 (this is 3 * 256). This is the maximum length of a field in a MySQL index. This was very relevant when we tried to build a query service based on MySQL indexing, and might still be relevant for the planned "external identifier lookup" as well as third party users. If we still want to give the guarantee that the lookup will work without Cirrus, we should stick to that maximum of 768.

Can somebody calculate the percentage for 768, please?



To: thiemowmde
Cc: daniel, thiemowmde, EgonWillighagen, Sebotic, Scott_WUaS, Sadads, Pasleim, Aklapper, Lydia_Pintscher, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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