thiemowmde added a comment.

Again, how are almost 100% "not much", compared to the 99% we have now? This is a huge difference. It will decrease the error rate by a factor of 10.

I don't believe that increasing the limit to 2000 would make any difference. The next day somebody will come and ask for 2500. And the week after somebody will ask for 4000. And a month later somebody will still hit this limit.

There is no 100%. Every limit is arbitrary. Every limit will block certain use cases – as it should.

All I want is us to be crystal clear about:

  • Why we have such limits in the first place. I believe we should document the positive effects such limits have. Otherwise it's not worth much and could as well be dropped.
  • That an increase will make certain use cases much harder. We should document which known use cases are affected by the decision we make here, because we are basically dropping the support for them.

That's what I think we as a team should do. Personally, I still believe that strings longer than 768 characters are not identifiers.



To: thiemowmde
Cc: daniel, thiemowmde, EgonWillighagen, Sebotic, Scott_WUaS, Sadads, Pasleim, Aklapper, Lydia_Pintscher, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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