Bawolff added a comment.

The introduction of wikidata events on recentchanges has converted the "light" recentchanges table into a monolithical 500GB table:

commonswiki]> SHOW TABLE STATUS like 'recentchanges'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           Name: recentchanges
           Rows: 617078906
 Avg_row_length: 566
    Data_length: 349283375366
   Index_length: 20766761170
 Auto_increment: 965208270

This was a) Not discussed previously with us DBAs b) created huge performance issues c) Made maintenance impossible d) break recentchanges functionality for users e) break watchlist functionality for users f) after report of breakage almost 3 months ago, no workaround/mitigation as been done g) we are close of running out of space on several main database servers, breaking all of Wikipedia h) propose to create even newer indexes, which only makes all of the above problems worse.

Given all of the above, I administratively will take the emergency decision (because "things are broken)" of finding out which functionality created this issue- revert it on code and purge all new rows created. Once that has been done, the owners of the functionality can requests it to be enabled again, after a strategy not breaking production is proposed. I am switching this to unbreak now to reflect how bad things are, and that I am taking leadership to get something finally done.

I believe that the setting you are looking for is $wgWBClientSettings['injectRecentChanges']



To: jcrespo, Bawolff
Cc: D3r1ck01, matej_suchanek, Ankry, Ladsgroup, Lsanabria, Josve05a, Bawolff, greg, Dominicbm, Vriullop, Jmabel, Fae, IKhitron, Johan, Herzi.Pinki, jmatazzoni, Trizek-WMF, Mattflaschen-WMF, KTC, Framawiki, zhuyifei1999, Marostegui, aaron, Andrei_Stroe, Turbojet, Rsocol, Strainu, Jwh, Pyb, Darwinius, Arbnos, Jdforrester-WMF, TheDJ, gerritbot, VladXe, Kf8, Liuxinyu970226, Jay8g, TerraCodes, Iniquity, jcrespo, Reedy, Catrope, Vicpeters, Demidenko, MaxBioHazard, Aklapper, Waytogoeducation, GoranSMilovanovic, Abiyoyo, QZanden, Vali.matei, Jack_who_built_the_house, Minhnv-2809, Poyekhali, Volker_E, Izno, Wong128hk, Luke081515, Wikidata-bugs, Base, aude, GWicke, El_Grafo, Gryllida, putnik, Steinsplitter, Mbch331, Krenair
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