On 01/04/12 00:31, Gregor Hagedorn wrote:
Apologies, should this already have been discussed.

defines:  Wikipedialink = (Title, LanguageId, Badge?)

In my experience the scope or extent of entities in different
Wikipedias sometimes differs. One Wikipedia considers an entity a
valid lemma, whereas another Wikipedia subsumes it in a larger lemma.

Would changing the model to:
Wikipedialink = (Title, LanguageId, Relation, Badge?)
where relation can be
broader match
close match
exact match
narrower match

etc. help in expressing these situations? I believe this could prevent
problems later on.

The default (and initial import of interlanguage links) could easily
be "close match" - to be refined only where required.

This is a valid point. It is intended to address this as follows:

* Wikidata items (our "content pages") will be in *exact* correspondence to (zero or more) Wikipedia articles in different languages.

* Differences in scope will lead to different Wikidata items.

* Relationships such as "broader" or "narrower" can be expressed as relations between these items, if desired.

The advantage of this is that the possible relationships are not system-defined but can be selected and modified by the community.

In general, Wikidata will not be able to replace all interwiki links: it will remain possible to define additional links in each Wikipedia to cover cases where the relationship between articles is not exact. In the end, Wikidata does not intend to capture relationships between article texts (e.g., "has a paragraph about this subject" or "contains further information on this topic") but relationships between the entities that the articles are about (e.g., "is capital of" or "was composed by"). This naturally limits the scope of covering interwiki links.


Dr. Markus Kroetzsch
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Room 306, Parks Road, OX1 3QD Oxford, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1865 283529               http://korrekt.org/

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