On 05/22/2012 03:16 PM, Nikola Smolenski wrote:
> I see no reason for creating a new parser function for inclusion of
> templates. Also, this syntax would not allow a template to draw data
> from more than one item, which would probably be a requirement in phase3.
> Rather, I would include a template normally and use a parser function
> within the template to access the data.
> So, instead of {{{data}}} there would be {{#data:}}, instead of
> {{{data.color}}} there would be {{#data:color}}, instead of
> {{{data.color(ACME_SURVEY_2010)}}} there would be
> {{#data:color|ref=ACME_SURVEY_2010}} and so on.

This could even be simplified further to


The syntax is admittedly longer, but would work as-is with alternate
parsers such as Parsoid or a generic parser function API in Lua. It
would also preserve referential transparency as far as possible, which
is good for finer-grained caching.

> The parser function should be able to override itself by template
> parameters - I believe it is possible to do this.

I'd strongly recommend against any magic like this, as it makes
templates even harder to understand and also harder to cache.


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