
Thanks for the thorough reply!

you can use SPARQL 1.1 transitive closure in queries (using "*" after
> properties), so you can find "all subclasses" there too. (You could also
> try this in Protege ...)

I had a feeling I was missing something basic.  (I'm also new to SPARQL.)
Using "*" after the property got me what I was looking for by default in
Protege.  That is,

SELECT ?subject
   ?subject rdfs:subClassOf* <> .

-- with an asterisk after rdfs:subClassOf -- got me the transitive closure
and returned all subclasses of Q82586 / "lepton".

Should we maybe create an English label file for the classes? Descriptions
> too or just labels?

A file with English labels and descriptions for classes would be great and,
I think, address this use case.  Per your note, I suppose one would simply
concatenate that English terms file and wikidata-taxonomy.nt into a new .nt
file, then import that into Protege to explore the class hierarchy.
(Having every line in the ontology be self-contained in N3 is very

Regarding the pruned subset, I think the command-line approach in your
examples is enough for me to get started making my own.

I won't have time to experiment with these things for a few weeks, but I
will return to this then and let you know any interesting findings.


On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 4:41 AM, Markus Krötzsch <> wrote:

> Eric,
> Two general remarks first:
> (1) Protege is for small and medium ontologies, but not really for such
> large datasets. To get SPARQL support for the whole data, you could to
> install Virtuoso. It also comes with a simple Web query UI. Virtuoso does
> not do much reasoning, but you can use SPARQL 1.1 transitive closure in
> queries (using "*" after properties), so you can find "all subclasses"
> there too. (You could also try this in Protege ...)
> (2) If you want to explore the class hierarchy, you can also try our new
> class browser:
> It has the whole class hierarchy, but without the "leaves" (=instances of
> classes + subclasses that have no own subclasses/instances). For example,
> it tells you that "lepton" has 5 direct subclasses, but shows only one:
> On the other hand, it includes relationships of classes and properties
> that are not part of the RDF (we extract this from the data by considering
> co-occurrence). Example:
> "Classes that have no superclasses but at least 10 instances, and which
> are often used with the property 'sex or gender'":
> classes#_cat=Classes/Direct%20superclasses=__null/Number%
> 20of%20direct%20instances=10%20-%2020000/Related%
> 20properties=sex%20or%20gender
> I already added superclasses for some of those in Wikidata now -- data in
> the browser is updated with some delay based on dump files.
> More answers below:
> On 14/06/14 05:52, emw wrote:
>> Markus,
>> Thank you very much for this.  Translating Wikidata into the language of
>> the Semantic Web is important.  Being able to explore the Wikidata
>> taxonomy [1] by doing SPARQL queries in Protege [2] (even primitive
>> queries) is really neat, e.g.
>> SELECT ?subject
>> {
>>     ?subject rdfs:subClassOf <> .
>> }
>> This is more of an issue of my ignorance of Protege, but I notice that
>> the above query returns only the direct subclasses of Q82586.  The full
>> set of subclasses for Q82586 ("lepton") is visible at
>> -- a few of the 2nd-level subclasses (muon neutrino, tau neutrino,
>> electron neutrino) are shown there but not returned by that SPARQL
>> query.  It seems rdfs:subClassOf isn't being treated as a transitive
>> property in Protege.  Any ideas?
> You need a reasoner to compute this properly. For a plain class hierarchy
> as in our case, ELK should be a good choice [1]. You can install the ELK
> Protege plugin and use it to classify the ontology [2]. Protege will then
> show the copmuted class hierarchy in the browser; I am not sure what
> happens to the SPARQL queries (it's quite possible that they don't use the
> reasoner).
> [1]
> [2]
>> Do you know when the taxonomy data in OWL will have labels available?
> We had not thought of this as a use case. A challenge is that the label
> data is quite big because of the many languages. Should we maybe create an
> English label file for the classes? Descriptions too or just labels?
>> Also, regarding the complete dumps, would it be possible to export a
>> smaller subset of the faithful data?  The files under "Complete Data
>> Dumps" in
>> look too
>> big to load into Protege on most personal computers, and would likely
>> require adjusting JVM settings on higher-end computers to load.  If it's
>> feasible to somehow prune those files -- and maybe even combine them
>> into one file that could be easily loaded into Protege -- that would be
>> especially nice.
> What kind of "pruning" do you have in mind? You can of course take a
> subset of the data, but then some of the data will be missing.
> A general remark on mixing and matching RDF files. We use N3 format, where
> every line in the ontology is self-contained (no multi-line constructs, no
> header, no namespaces). Therefore, any subset of the lines of any of our
> files is still a valid file. So if you want to have only a slice of the
> data (maybe to experiment with), then you could simply do something like:
> gunzip -c wikidata-statements.nt.gz | head -10000 > partial-data.nt
> "head" simply selects the first 10000 lines here. You could also use grep
> to select specific triples instead, such as:
> zgrep ""; wikidata-terms.nt.gz |
> grep "@en ." > en-labels.nt
> This selects all English labels. I am using zgrep here for a change; you
> can also use gunzip as above. Similar methods can also be used to count
> things in the ontology (use grep -c to count lines = triples).
> Finally, you can combine multiple files into one by simply concatenating
> them in any order:
> cat partial-data-1.nt > mydata.nt
> cat partial-data-2.nt >> mydata.nt
> ...
> Maybe you can experiment a bit and let us know if there is any export that
> would be particularly meaningful for you.
> Cheers,
> Markus
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> 1.
>> 20140526/wikidata-taxonomy.nt.gz
>> 2.
>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:43 AM, Markus Kroetzsch
>> < <>>
>> wrote:
>>     Hi all,
>>     We are now offering regular RDF dumps for the content of Wikidata:
>>     <>
>>     RDF is the Resource Description Framework of the W3C that can be
>>     used to exchange data on the Web. The Wikidata RDF exports consist
>>     of several files that contain different parts and views of the data,
>>     and which can be used independently. Details on the available
>>     exports and the RDF encoding used in each can be found in the paper
>>     "Introducing Wikidata to the Linked Data Web" [1].
>>     The available RDF exports can be found in the directory
>>     <>. New
>>     exports are generated regularly from current data dumps of Wikidata
>>     and will appear in this directory shortly afterwards.
>>     All dump files have been generated using Wikidata Toolkit [2]. There
>>     are some important differences in comparison to earlier dumps:
>>     * Data is split into several dump files for convenience. Pick
>>     whatever you are most interested in.
>>     * All dumps are generated using the OpenRDF library for Java (better
>>     quality than ad hoc serialization; much slower too ;-)
>>     * All dumps are in N3 format, the simplest RDF serialization format
>>     that there is
>>     * In addition to the faithful dumps, some simplified dumps are also
>>     available (one statement = one triple; no qualifiers and references).
>>     * Links to external data sets are added to the data for Wikidata
>>     properties that point to datasets with RDF exports. That's the
>>     "Linked" in "Linked Open Data".
>>     Suggestions for improvements and contributions on github are welcome.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Markus
>>     [1]
>> Linked_Data_Web
>>     <>
>>     [2]
>>     <>
>>     --
>>     Markus Kroetzsch
>>     Faculty of Computer Science
>>     Technische Universität Dresden
>>     +49 351 463 38486 <tel:%2B49%20351%20463%2038486>
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