
I'm having a hard time setting up Cirrus Search on my Mediawiki / Wikibase 
instance, I'm quite confused so I thought I could ask for some help. :)

First, I followed the instructions to install both CirrusSearch and 
WikibaseCirrusSearch (WBCS) extensions, but I don't really know what my 
LocalSettings.php config file should look like.
On one hand, CirrusSearch asks for this option`$wgSearchType = 
'CirrusSearch';`, on the other hand WBCS asks for `$wgWBCSUseCirrus = true;`. 
When I put them both, I get a php error : 
`mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/includes/Profile/SearchProfileService.php: A 
profile repository type rescore named wikibase_base is already registered.`
1/ So, do I need only one of them or is something else missing in my config 
file ? I might have missed a step in the installation ?
2/ The weird thing is, if I remove one of the two option, the search is 
somewhat working and is different than before using CirrusSearch, but 
autocompletion seems off, as it autocomplete only strings like "Item:QXXX" 
where XXX is the QID. I would have expected an autocomplete on item labels, not 
on QIDs like on Wikidata
3/ I'm not sure either if I have to fire some CirrusSearch maintenance scripts 
when I'm toying around with WBCS options in LocalSettings.php, because it 
appears that WBCS extension doesn't have any.

I apology in advance because I'm pretty sure this is a confusing post, but 
there are quite a lot of questions in my head. :)

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