
Now impatiently waiting for AROUND implementation in wdq2sparql :-)

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 6:51 PM James Heald <> wrote:

> Just to add a little bit about those timings:
> The number of hits and the query time are pretty similar for items
> within Greater London:
> (4687 items in 562 ms)
> compared to items within 10km of Trafalgar Square:
> (6616 items in 668 ms)
> The total number of statues we have is 11884
> (342 ms)
> All of these numbers are quite small, suggesting the performance issue
> isn't necessarily to do with what gets looked up first, but may be
> something else to do with the join.
>    -- James.
> On 10/05/2016 18:28, James Heald wrote:
> > Very nice!
> >
> > As a slight tweak on your query, here are some statues within 10km of
> > London's Trafalgar Square
> >
> >
> > ... or within 10km of Stockholm's Stortorget
> >
> > (Warning: per a recent decision of the Swedish Supreme Court, the latter
> > search may be a copyright violation).
> >
> > Probably quite a lot of items to add on both counts -- has anybody
> > scoured Commons for public art, that may not yet have an article in any
> > Wikipedia? -- but really exciting to be able to produce output like this
> > so easily.
> >
> > One thing I'm a little nervous about is that the first search is taking
> > six and a half seconds to run, compared to 809 ms for every statue
> > within Greater London
> >
> > which I would have thought ought to be a similar-sized query.
> >
> > I haven't checked the optimiser output -- is this likely to be because
> > the join has been performed in a different order?  Or is there a good
> > reason why the geo-search should be so much slower, even now it has
> > indexing built in ?
> >
> > One other thing for the wishlist -- it would be really nice if the map
> > mouseovers could show thumbnails (and indeed if there was a toggle to
> > allow them for the table output, too).  Also, should the Commons links
> > not point to the file information pages, or alternatively to
> > MediaViewer, rather than directly to the images?  The latter makes it
> > very hard to see the attribution information (etc) for the images, which
> > could be a licence violation, eg of CC-BY.
> >
> > But overall: wow!   Fantastic!
> >
> > All best,
> >
> >     James.
> >
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