> How can I speed up the queries processing even more?

imho: drop the unwanted data as early as you can ...  (    ~
aggressive prefiltering ;  ~ not import  )

> Any suggestion will be appreciated.

in your case ..
- I will check the RDF dumps ..
- I will try to write a custom filter for pre-filter for 2 million
parameters  ... ( simple text parsing ..  in GoLang; using multiple cores
... or with other fast code  )
- and just  load the results to PostgreSQL ..

I have a good experience - parsing the and filtering the wikidata json dump
(gzipped) .. and loading the result to PostgreSQL database ..
I can run the full code on my laptop ....     and the result in my case ~
12 GB in the PostgreSQL ...

the biggest problem .. the memory requirements of  "2 million parameters"
 .. but you can choose some fast key-value storage .. like RocksDB ...
but there are other low tech parsing solutions ...



Adam Sanchez <a.sanche...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. júl. 13., H,

> Hi,
> I have to launch 2 million queries against a Wikidata instance.
> I have loaded Wikidata in Virtuoso 7 (512 RAM, 32 cores, SSD disks with
> RAID 0).
> The queries are simple, just 2 types.
> select ?s ?p ?o {
> ?s ?p ?o.
> filter (?s = ?param)
> }
> select ?s ?p ?o {
> ?s ?p ?o.
> filter (?o = ?param)
> }
> If I use a Java ThreadPoolExecutor takes 6 hours.
> How can I speed up the queries processing even more?
> I was thinking :
> a) to implement a Virtuoso cluster to distribute the queries or
> b) to load Wikidata in a Spark dataframe (since Sansa framework is
> very slow, I would use my own implementation) or
> c) to load Wikidata in a Postgresql table and use Presto to distribute
> the queries or
> d) to load Wikidata in a PG-Strom table to use GPU parallelism.
> What do you think? I am looking for ideas.
> Any suggestion will be appreciated.
> Best,
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