Nellie, Hi


Please get in touch with Marcus Edwardo directly. I have no involvement
in this directly. Was just trying to help.

Email is at the end of the initial email.


Cheers and thanks,




Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 9:40 PM
Subject: [WikiEducator] Re: Consultancy opportunity


I would love to help out. I am both an ESL/EFL teacher (34 years of
experience) and specialize in curriculum and technology at the MA and
doctoral levels; I am completing my doctoral studies (one more course). 

Thank you.
Warm wishes,
Nellie Deutsch
Doctoral Student
Educational Leadership
Curriculum and Instruction

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Patricia Schlicht <>

Dar Friends,


I hought I'll share this with you as this might be of interest to some
of you. Please get in touch with Mr. Marcus Edwardes directly at AUSAID.

Warm regards,



Dear Sir/Madam


My query relates to the development of a Project Design Document for an
English Language Training and Resource Centre in Timor-Leste (East
Timor).   Please see below for the background to my query..



The Australian Government is exploring the need to support and
strengthen access to quality English Language and Literacy in


In September-October 2008, the Australian Agency for International
Development (AusAID) commissioned a Feasibility Study into the need for
English Language support throughout Timor-Leste and to develop options
on ways this could be addressed.  


The Feasibility Study clearly articulates that there is high and growing
demand for English language training from many segments and levels of
East Timorese society.  The Feasibility Study noted that the current
English language provision and the existing capacity of English Language
providers and trainers are not of any recognisable standard and that
quality varies markedly in approach and outcome. 


The Feasibility Study concluded that it is feasible to establish an
English Language Training and Resource Centre in Timor-Leste.  It
proposed that this Centre would support existing providers of English
Language training through the provision of teacher training and high
quality learning resources to meet both English for Special Purpose and
English for Academic Purpose needs. The report also proposed that the
Centre would provide specialist English Language development programs
for key groups where current provision is non-existent or of poor
quality.  The provision of English Language training will need to be
recognised by international standards.  


Next steps

AusAID has approved the findings of the Feasibility Study and agreed to
fund the development of a Project Design Document for an English
Language Training and Resource Centre.


The next step (which is the essence of my query) is to select a team of
two consultants (with relevant skills and experience) to prepare the
Project Design Document beginning in February/March 2009.  This
assignment requires two consultants: a design specialist who will also
be team leader; and an English as a Second Language Specialist.  


Therefore I would like to know if the Commonwealth of Learning provides
this type of service (and would be interested in this activity) or can
suggest an alternative organisation/provider/consultant who might be
able to provide this service.


If you need further information or require clarification I can be
contacted on the details below.


Kind regards



Marcus Edwardes | East Timor Section | Australian Agency for
International Development (AusAID) | ' +612 6206 4647 | 6 +612 6206 4242
| *





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