Hi Patricia,
I did that as well.
Thank you.
Warm wishes,
Nellie Deutsch
Doctoral Student
Educational Leadership
Curriculum and Instruction

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Patricia Schlicht <pschli...@col.org>wrote:

>  Nellie, Hi
> Please get in touch with Marcus Edwardo directly. I have no involvement in
> this directly. Was just trying to help.
> Email is at the end of the initial email.
> Cheers and thanks,
> Patricia
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* wikieducator@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> wikieduca...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *NELLIE DEUTSCH
> *Sent:* Friday, January 30, 2009 9:40 PM
> *To:* wikieducator@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* [WikiEducator] Re: Consultancy opportunity
> Patricia,
> I would love to help out. I am both an ESL/EFL teacher (34 years of
> experience) and specialize in curriculum and technology at the MA and
> doctoral levels; I am completing my doctoral studies (one more course).
> Thank you.
> Warm wishes,
> Nellie Deutsch
> Doctoral Student
> Educational Leadership
> Curriculum and Instruction
> http://www.wikieducator.org/EL4C19
> http://www.wikieducator.org/User:Nelliemuller
> skype:nelliedeutschmuller
>  On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Patricia Schlicht <pschli...@col.org>
> wrote:
> Dar Friends,
> I hought I'll share this with you as this might be of interest to some of
> you. Please get in touch with Mr. Marcus Edwardes directly at AUSAID.
> Warm regards,
> Patricia:
> Dear Sir/Madam
> My query relates to the development of a *Project Design Document for an
> English Language Training and Resource Centre in Timor-Leste (East Timor)*.
>  Please see below for the background to my query..
> *Context*
> The Australian Government is exploring the need to support and strengthen
> access to quality English Language and Literacy in Timor-Leste.
> In September-October 2008, the Australian Agency for International
> Development (AusAID) commissioned a Feasibility Study into the need for
> English Language support throughout Timor-Leste and to develop options on
> ways this could be addressed.
> The Feasibility Study clearly articulates that there is high and growing
> demand for English language training from many segments and levels of East
> Timorese society.  The Feasibility Study noted that the current English
> language provision and the existing capacity of English Language providers
> and trainers are not of any recognisable standard and that quality varies
> markedly in approach and outcome.
> The Feasibility Study concluded that it is feasible to establish an English
> Language Training and Resource Centre in Timor-Leste.  It proposed that this
> Centre would support existing providers of English Language training through
> the provision of teacher training and high quality learning resources to
> meet both English for Special Purpose and English for Academic Purpose
> needs. The report also proposed that the Centre would provide specialist
> English Language development programs for key groups where current provision
> is non-existent or of poor quality.  The provision of English Language
> training will need to be recognised by international standards.
> *Next steps*
> AusAID has approved the findings of the Feasibility Study and agreed to
> fund the development of a Project Design Document for an English Language
> Training and Resource Centre.
> The next step (which is the essence of my query) is to select a team of two
> consultants (with relevant skills and experience) to prepare the Project
> Design Document beginning in February/March 2009.  This assignment requires
> two consultants: a design specialist who will also be team leader; and an
> English as a Second Language Specialist.
> *Therefore I would like to know if the Commonwealth of Learning provides
> this type of service (and would be interested in this activity) or can
> suggest an alternative organisation/provider/consultant who might be able to
> provide this service.*
> If you need further information or require clarification I can be contacted
> on the details below.
> Kind regards
> * *
> * *
> *Marcus Edwardes *| East Timor Section | Australian Agency for
> International Development (AusAID) | ' +612 6206 4647 | 6 +612 6206 4242 |
> * *marcus.edwar...@ausaid.gov.au*
> >

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