2008/12/8 Tim Starling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:
>>> On the radio interview: I thought David sounded unfair, espousing some
>>> unlikely conspiracy theories suggesting that the IWF chose Wikipedia for
>>> any other reason than the fact that some disgruntled Wikipedian submitted
>>> it to their tip box a few days ago.
>> The idea that they've blocked Wikipedia but not Amazon because Amazon
>> has more lawyers sounds pretty plausible to me (what else could they
>> mean by "pragmatic"?).
> [...]
> In the interview, Sarah Robertson said "as I understand it, the only
> report we received of this content as of Friday was the content on
> Wikipedia."
> I'll assume stupidity rather than malice. "Pragmatic" could mean anything.

Yeah, but if I were blocking a webpage I would read the webpage first.
The article gives all the information someone would need to find out
that the image is available elsewhere.

> If they wanted this to be a test case, why would they have handled it so
> ineptly?

Because they're inept?

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