2009/1/17 Charles Matthews <charles.r.matth...@ntlworld.com>:
> Thomas Larsen wrote:
>>  I think we can and will get exponential growth
>> (although perhaps I'm being too optimistic), but it won't be on
>> Wikipedia's scale unless something drastic happens.
> Hmm, [[exponential growth]] used to contain the helpful remark that
> growth may be exponential and also very slow (contra over-excited common
> usage).

Indeed. However, in this case, my prediction is that they will have
linear growth until they reach a certain point at which they become
useful to readers and then they get exponential growth at a reasonably
impressive rate. The linear growth is caused by early adopters that
want to edit Epistemia because it's new and don't care that it isn't
very useful yet, the exponential growth will be caused by people that
came along to read something and ended up staying and editing. The big
question is whether the linear growth will be fast enough to reach
that point before running out of steam (the rule of thumb is that
people stay in an given online community for around 18 months, so you
probably have 18 months to become useful).

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