Your Help or Community Portal page should describe your project.
Your Welcome page isn't very informative about exactly how you are 
different from Wikipedia, or any other wiki for that matter.

Almost all (or many) Wikis are free and global.  Maybe you could 
describe somewhere on your site why you are more reliable or something.

Also your About page is blank.

By the way, just to humour me, why do you disallow account names with 
numbers, punctuation or domain names?  I'm sure you must have a good 
reason, but I can't fathom it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Larsen <>
To: English Wikipedia <>
Sent: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 12:39 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Announcing "Epistemia", a new wiki encyclopedia

Hi all,

We now have over 100 articles and 25 contributors on the
English-language main project.

I'd like to stress that this project is open to participation, so feel
free to check it out and contribute an article. :-)

Have a good day,

—Thomas Larsen

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