<<In a message dated 2/23/2009 6:11:09 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
sam.blacke...@googlemail.com writes:

do we  really need to know the names and dates of birth of her
children? And what  of the career details of her husband, who is not notable
in his own right?  On the other hand, details of campaigns she worked on
before being elected  are highly salient to political views, and it's her
political career that  makes her notable.>>
"Need"? No, not at all.  The political career makes her notable, and  if she 
is notable enough that someone has written her biography, including those  
details, then we "can" include them.  We don't "need" to include  them.  If the 
only sources commenting on her children (at all) are primary  ones, than we 
should not include them.  Primary sources extend, amplify,  clarify and specify 
details, they should not be used to introduce details not  otherwise present in 
the secondary sources.
So if secondary sources mention "her husband the plumber", and "her five  
children are named Marjory, Bruce, Wayne, Robin and Ambidextrous", then we  
If they don't, we shouldn't.  That would be the first line of  attack for 
anyone who wants to remove these details.
Will Johnson

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