2009/3/4 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/3/4 geni <geni...@gmail.com>:
>> Getting access to existing collections and permission to make copies
>> of them (county archives will generaly photocopy stuff for you but
>> they won't let you point a camera at the stuff) is a more significant
>> issue at this point.
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sun-Glasses-Camera-with-2GB-Flash-Memory-+Micro-SD-Slot_W0QQitemZ150327823289QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090220?IMSfp=TL090220122003r5179
> Now to work out how to make it a tax deduction!
> - d.

Sneaking in a camera would not be a problem if I felt like doing that
but I have standards. What bugs me is the restriction is so

It's not a matter of protecting the documents.  I was allowed to
handle them without wearing gloves, they were fairly robust (19th
century1:500 OS maps. large enough scale that would identify
individual rooms in buildings) and in any case photographing even with
flash (not that I would need to use a flash) would have done less
damage than photocopying.

It's not a matter of disruption since modern camera can be pretty much
silent where as the microfilm machines people were useing were rather

It may be a matter of control since there are conditions on what you
can do with the photocopies and when a few years back I asked them
about CC release I wasn't able to get a straight answer.



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