Kat Walsh wrote:
>  The showcase pieces, the ones that do get past the
> ever-increasing hurdles, are great -- and I'm glad we have a process
> for identifying them and bringing them into wider public view, both
> because the creators deserve the recognition and because the public
> ought to see it. But tracking the number doesn't give veyr much
> information except as a comment on the process itself.
Yes, in a way it's sad we have so much attention on gatekeeping and 
absolute standards (well, as has been said, high and upwardly mobile 
standards), and so little recognition on great added-value edits, the 
ones which take an article into a different class of usefulness. As far 
as I know the transition from B class to A class is still considered to 
be the most transforming, from the reader's point of view.


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