Well, there is something in the original proposal that makes sense to me --
devoting specific attention to long-term facilitation of discussion and
resolution of difficult issues.  There is something about wiki-time (to
borrow a term) that discourages measured discussion over time - if you miss
the flashpoint discussion that sets a precedent, people may have moved on
and you'll have to restart the original interest again.

I think the list-vs-wiki distinction is a red herring -- I'd like to see
list-to-wiki synchronization so that we never have to have that discussion
again -- so to keep things simple, let's imagine what this would look like

Sam had a good idea in this direction : [[Wikipedia:Community Facilitation]]
.  It's about something more specific than dispute resolution in general,
but may be a useful part of what you have in mind, steve.  And the idea
would be both to discuss [potentially long-term] facilitation, help people
get better at it, and practice it in the context of specific issues.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:01 AM, stevertigo <stv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm proposing that we start a resolution-l mailing list.
> Yes, I know we talked about it a month ago, to the tune of about 100
> posts, and it seemed that it wasn't going anywhere. But that was just
> appearances. The reality is that the support was substantial, the
> opposition was sub-articulate, and whatever substantive criticism
> there was was largely based in some assumed misconceptions about its
> scope (Thomas).
> The real truth is that we have been waiting for Cary to fulfill one of
> his many duties and create the list. That having failed, we have been
> waiting on Cary to tell us why he has not. That also having failed, we
> instead have just been waiting a month for Cary to say anything at
> all. And he recently did, though there was little substance in it,
> other than a threat to close the bug request. Which in fact, he just
> did close as WONTFIX:
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19414 . I'm sure he
> thinks he's doing the right thing. Still, despite our recent
> differences, we should welcome Cary's actual participation in our
> discussion. Thank you Cary, we understand that you were just too busy
> to give this proper consideration.
> Anyway, we were talking about an open list for discussing dispute
> resolution. Its scope will be broad, and its purpose will be to be
> helpful. It will discuss particular disputes in general, conceptual,
> and editorial terms, and facilitate immediate on-wiki dispute
> resolution processes. It will also discuss dispute resolution concepts
> in general, wherever that goes.
> -Stevertigo
> Architect of WP:CIVIL,
> creator of Arbcom,
> Inventor of those WP:Shortcuts
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