On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:36 AM, Gwern Branwen<gwe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, the best way forward is probably to improve talk pages. They've
> already proven that they can go the distance; so 'all' that's needed

Well, i think we still have a long way to go before we've successfully
copied that oldest of wiki formats, the Talmud and its ilk -- and that
works for more than talk pages!

> Web forums and Reddit pages are a good example of this: in theory they
> should work just as fine as talk pages, since they need not ever
> close, and forum threads can be 'stickied' to make them as permanently

Have you tried Diigo?  Any thoughts on that sort of interface?

> I'm actually not too enthused about Google Wave for this purpose.
> Watching the demo, the entire thing seems optimized for short waves
> with minimal nesting. The history scroll thing is no good for, say,
> Talk:Jesus, and the comment boxes are all very small and so discourage
> any in-depth discussion.

But this may just be a question of implementing the right interface to
a generic sort of tool.  The spec doesn't say anythinga bout how to
visualize history scrolling or comment boxes.


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