Durova wrote:
> ...But David, to construct a cherry picked insult is beneath you.  With your 
> long
> commitment to free culture, I really expected better.

Alright, enough.

Durova, your complaints about lack of literacy or comprehension appear
somewhat disingenuous, given that you very well know that
announcements about incidents of free culture being exploited by
sleazy capitalists will get reactionary and even Pavlovian responses
here. For future reference, any subtle distinctions like "[I] am
uncertain how far that overlap extends" need to be clearly stated in
bold print - maybe CAPS.

David wrote:
> WTF. Remember that I'm one of the few here loudly agreeing with you
> about crediting restorers.

Ah. The all-importance of being 'loudly agreeable.' This might be less
underproductive if you actually read Durova first - it took me well
under a nansecond to understand that her post was at best pointless,
if not altogether trolling for signs of transatlantic consciousness
or, if not that, literacy.



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