>> On 23 April 2010 15:54, Marc Riddell <michaeldavi...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks. Stick to numbers,
>>> Charles,
>>> the human equation clearly eludes you.
>> translation: "I have not even anecdotes to support my position, so
>> will resort to ad-hominem abuse."
>> - d.
on 4/23/10 12:09 PM, Fred Bauder at fredb...@fairpoint.net wrote:

> It is a surprisingly harsh comment; Charles comments seemed on point and
> interesting. They added to the discussion.
Fred, I will not present further to my remarks to Charles - they stand as
stated. But this  website's defensive attitude and approach to serious
academics is well known. And that attitude goes back to its roots.


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