On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 5:24 PM, William Pietri <will...@scissor.com> wrote:
> As requested, here's the weekly Flagged Protection update.
> We continue to work on UI display issues and on getting up a Labs
> version of the German Wikipedia. We're pretty close to release, and we
> believe only minor UI issues remain.
> If you'd like to verify that for yourself, start here:
> http://flaggedrevs.labs.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page


Can you point me to where it was decided to admonish new editors with
statements like
"Changes will be published once an authorized user reviews them." (in
all red) after they make an edit.

I don't see what purpose this message can serve except to discourage editing.

If instead the site simply completed the edit like normal and set a
session cookie that causes that client to view the most current rather
than the "published" version of that article, then the editing
experience for a new editor would remain identical to the experience
that they have now:  They make an edit, they see their edit on the
site, they can browse away and come back without it immediately
disappearing, and they can return days later and find their edit still
there or not depending on the other users of the site being willing to
accept it.

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