On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Ken Arromdee <arrom...@rahul.net> wrote:

> Santorum is not just being victimized by Dan Savage or the news media or the
> world--he's being victimized by *us*.  That makes it our job.  Just because
> it's an already existing campaign doesn't mean we have no responsibility
> when a search for his name brings up this article as the #3 hit (and #2 if
> you only search for his last name).

We're just recording what has already been discussed in 132 reliable
sources.  We're not "victimizing" him any more than we are victimizing
Silvio Berlusconi
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlusconi#Sexual_scandals) or John
Edwards (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edwards_extramarital_affair)
or John Kerry 
or Anthony Weiner
The Kerry example is especially pertinent as both it and the Santorum
article are an entire Wikipedia article about things that other people
made up about the subject of the article.

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