On Fri, 23 Dec 2011, Charles Matthews wrote:
>> And the more you use "it's in the
>> rules" as a club to hit bad users with, the more others can use it as a
>> club
>> to force bad ideas through; there's just no defense to "what I want
>> follows the
>> rules".  You see this all the time for BLPs: "Don't you have any empathy?
>> We're hurting a real person."  "You're just trying to distract us from this
>> rule.  Your own personal feelings aren't an excuse to ignore our
>> policies..."
> We have IAR

IAR doesn't help.  IAR is useful only when you don't need it; if everyone is
reasonable, you can ignore rules.  But if there's a conflict between two
sides, and one wants to obey the rules and one wants to ignore them, the
side that wants to obey them wins every time.

Besides, IAR has a problem for BLPs.  It says the rules can be ignored
to improve the encyclopedia.  Helping a BLP subject doesn't improve the
encyclopedia (and yes, I've seen this come into effect).  So you can't use
IAR-or at least, you face an unnecessary hurdle in using it.

> BLPs are of course an obvious place where it may be hardest to argue that
> rules should be ignored.

Yes, but that can be bad as well--it also is hard to ignore rules *for the
purpose of helping the BLP subject*.

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