> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:35 AM, Ray Saintonge <> wrote:
> > I don't see that joint authorship enters into this at all. I think it's safe
> > to assume that the one holding the camera is the one making the creative
> > decisions about the photos.
> Then continue to advise people that they are the sole owner of a
> photograph just because they clicked the shutter.
> My advice is that the law isn't that simple, and that blanket
> statements of that type are quite often incorrect.

Suppose I take a photo of someone jumping over a hurdle. Most likely I'd alter 
the raw image somewhat. At least change the white balance, the colour 
saturation and mid grey point, but I might also change perspective, clone out 
some elements, blur other parts, maybe de-emphasis the colour is some other 
areas. The resulting image may be rather different to the image that was 
originally recorded. 

Now asuppose that the I who takes the photo is not the same I that does the 

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