On 09/11/12 4:29 AM, Thomas Morton wrote:
No comment on whether they *can* prove this as I haven't seen the email in
question, or the other evidence. But on the face of it there may be some
case to answer. A response from the defendants may clear up the matter.

Seeing as the intent is to replace IB's as the host of the main travel site
wiki then I think IB is justified in defending their position if they
believe they have been unfairly undermined. I do disapprove of doing it via
lawsuits though (they could e.g. just import WT...).

I heartily congratulate the two volunteers for being sued.

Going through the courts with this will certainly be welcome because of the legal points that will be clarified.

It will be interesting to see how they will show that someone has "tortuously" caused injury. (Para 1).

Also from Para 1, how can a person violate a contract without being a party to it?

Relief point 2(a) is interesting. In some cases a reference to Travelwiki may be necessary to fulfill the requirements of the CC-BY licence.


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